Essex Electronics Incorporated
Corporate Headquarters/Manufacturing
1130 Mark Avenue
Carpinteria, CA 93013
(805) 684-7601
(800) 539-5377
Fax: (805) 684-0232
Sales/Customer Service/Technical Support
Monday – Friday 8 am to 3 pm PST
General Information: essex@keyless.com
Sales: sales@keyless.com
Product Support: support@keyless.com
Get in touch with us below:
Additional Product Information
The products listed on this website are manufactured by Essex Electronics, Inc. in Carpinteria, California (unless otherwise noted ). Essex does not provide any installation services for these products. Although some systems are easier to install than others, we recommend that installation be performed by a trained security professional. Essex sells primarily through distribution and to other OEM’s who integrate our product into their access control solutions. If you are interested in our products, you may visit distribution to find a distributor in your area. You may also contact us directly for additional product information. For technical support, please visit the technical section of this website. Essex Warranty Policy.
Essex Electronics Incorporated
Corporate Headquarters/Manufacturing
1130 Mark Avenue
Carpinteria, CA 93013
(805) 684-7601
(800) 539-5377
Fax: (805) 684-0232
Sales/Customer Service/Technical Support
Monday – Friday 8 am to 4 pm PST
General Information: essex@keyless.com
Sales: sales@keyless.com
Product Support: support@keyless.com
Get in touch with us below:
Additional Product Information
The products listed on this website are manufactured by Essex Electronics, Inc. in Carpinteria, California (unless otherwise noted ). Essex does not provide any installation services for these products. Although some systems are easier to install than others, we recommend that installation be performed by a trained security professional. Essex sells primarily through distribution and to other OEM’s who integrate our product into their access control solutions. If you are interested in our products, you may visit distribution to find a distributor in your area. You may also contact us directly for additional product information. For technical support, please visit the technical section of this website. Essex Warranty Policy.